Monday, October 12, 2009

"How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!"

Oh John Green, you giant genius, you.  Please come to Utah so I may bask in your intellectual glory and thank you for your profound hilarity.
I'm re-reading Looking for Alaska and I just forget how much I adore it.  Except I just dipped into the "after" section and now I'm paused to soak it all in.  Meanwhile I'm supposed to be reading my mass media textbook and I'm in the middle (well the middle of the beginning) of The Picture of Dorian Gray, for the first time, and its quite interesting.  I'm worthless once a book sucks me in, completely worthless.

The internet sometimes overwhelms me a lot.  Like I fell out of watching my youtube subscriptions but since I'm reading John Green once more I thought I'd peep his latest video, and then there are all these vlogbrothers videos that I'm completely out of the loop on, and then all these blog posts on sparksflyup that I'm hopelessly out of touch with, and then I just feel overwhelmed and just hope that one day I can be grownup and know who I am soundly and have my blog or book or story that all these people keep up with.
I don't know, mostly I just hope I can write a book one day that is as incredible as Looking for Alaska or Paper Towns or even a tiny bit close.  Scary intimidating thoughts.
/giant run-on sentence

John Green is working on new stuff, which I'm extra excited about, and in April a book he wrote with David Levithian (sp?) is coming out and I'm feeling like "woowob)Oo" or close to that.

I ate too much garlic bread, blech.
Sarah is in San Fran and I wish I was theeeerrreeeeee

oh, I changed my wallpaper:

I am extra pleased about this.

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