Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, old boy

I feel as though the holidays definitely snuck up on me this year.  I mean, Christmas is almost over and I still feel as though it isn't here yet.  Odd.
Anywho, it was a swell Christmas.  Can I just say how much I love my family?  All of them.  I mean, of course you're going to be bothered by your family once in a very long while (ha) but I really am so lucky to have such a splendid bunch of relatives, immediate and otherwise.  They are all so loving and hilarious and fun to be with.  And of course I have the cutest nieces and nephews in existence.

As far as gifts, I recieved a modest truckload of clothes, accessories, and entertainment sources.  All quite enjoyable and lovely, though not to be outdone by a tiny ceramic frog (Derek) and a pair of painted metal horse figurines to decorate the dorm room (Mom).  I made Mom cry with my very touching gift- a lanyard/keychain accompanied by a great Billy Collins peom.  More on that later.

So then we upheld our new (since last year) tradition of going to a movie on Christmas day.  This year?  Why, Sherlock Holmes of course.  To sum up the entire experience I am just going to restate what I told Sarah: 

"Just wear a hat when you go see Sherlock Holmes, so that the bits of your blown mind don't get all over everyone around you."


p.s. is it conceited to put quotes around something that I said?

1 comment:

Me, Myself and I said...

May I put emphasis on "cutest nieces EVER". For sure.